Diabetic Protocol

SKU: 851286005438
Regular price $64.99 USD

Sugar Balance + Hepatiben + Zen Calm

  • 8 leading ingredients for liver detox and gut repair support
  • Silybin: 10x the strength of Milk Thistle
  • Supports normal liver enzyme, blood sugar levels
  • Contains vital nutrients deficient in diabetics
  • Relieves Tension, Anxiety & Helps reduce Cortisol
  • Adrenal Support & Mood Balancing
  • Made with Certified Organic Herbs

To be effective longterm in balancing blood glucose levels, the liver must be cleansed of toxin buildup to properly regulate the process and Cortisol must be under control. So in our Diabetic Protocol; Hepatiben cleans the liver for proper regulation, Zen Calm reduces stress so Cortisol does not signal more glucose into the blood stream and Sugar Balance corrects nutrient deficiency and pancreatic health.

Formulated to address fatty liver symptoms, the best liver detox supplement offers a comprehensive solution to prevalent liver issues like NAFLD [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease] or NASH [ non-alcoholic steato hepatitis], affecting one-third of Americans. If left untreated, this often leads to obesity, insulin resistance, and other severe complications. Our supplements for fatty liver formulations combine the most effective ingredients that work synergistically to promote high liver function in toxic environments, supporting the health of a liver that has been damaged. High sugar diets, GMOs, and antibiotics lay the groundwork for toxin build-up in the liver. In an effort to neutralize these toxins that move into the body, the liver creates excess liver fat cells to store them.

Sugar Balance
contains natural ingredients and nutrition to support normal blood sugar range throughout the day, promoting stable energy and mood. This formula includes a blend of vitamins, minerals and herbs that promotes proper sugar metabolism, pancreatic health and contains critical nutrients deficient in those suffering from sugar instability.

Zen Calm
We carefully chose herbs that relax muscle, regulate mood, calm the brain and digestive system. Complimenting these herbs are critical vitamins to support these goals. It’s common for those suffering from chronic stress to have depleted adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are often overlooked in stress formulations.

Product Information

    Take 2 capsules of Hepatiben at night with water or as directed by a healthcare practitioner. Take two capsules of Sugar Balance when anticipated blood sugar drops. Take 2 capsules of Zen Calm when stressed.

    Take 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 at night with water or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Key For Longterm Blood Glucose Regulation: Liver Cleanse

The liver is the regulator of blood glucose in the blood. So when it has toxic buildup blood sugar regulation is not possible.
Zen Calm is useful in the regulation of cortisol, which in a stress state also drives blood glucose levels higher.
Sugar Balance is important to balance blood sugar in the interim while optimum liver health is achieved.