We take great pride in providing high quality, safe products to our customers.
All of our supplements are manufactured in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) set forth by the FDA. We go a step further and are additionally NSF certified, which is a far stricter international standard for quality.
To be compliant in both these certifications, our manufacturing, packaging, labeling follow well-documented and audited policies.
Manufacturers are required to evaluate their products’ identity, purity, strength and composition. Other requirements deal with such matters as quality control, the design and construction of manufacturing plants, record keeping and consumer complaints.
Our formulations are developed knowing users are taking common prescriptions and raw materials with known issues have been avoided.
No no reported issues with Pharmaceutical drugs, PPIs and blood pressure modulators.
However, even though much effort has gone into reducing the risk of contraindications – it would be unethical to state a zero risk. If you are concerned, we always suggest you discuss it with a healthcare practitioner.
Yes, all our products are GMO free. Almost all the health issues we are addressing are driven by GMOs and their pesticides, this is a requirement for our raw materials.
Everyone’s physiology is unique like a fingerprint. Many diets work wonderfully but only intermittently… Therefore,, they need to be changed periodically. With that as an overview, we see many people benefiting from the following diets:
FODMAPs – low carb, low sugar diet. Higher in proteins and healthy fats. The focus is more on vegetables than processed foods
Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP) – very restrictive diet, low carbs, low sugar and no allergens. This means no gluten, diary, nightshade or latex family vegetables.
Blood Type based diet. Your diet should compliment the composition of your physiology, especially your blood. This reflects ethnic groups in their corresponding ancestral geographic locations and matching them with the foods typical of that area.
If the PPI has been prescribed by your doctor, please seek their professional medical advice regarding their continuation. That being said, studies indicate that acid reflux or GERD is the result of stomach acid pH not being low enough to engage the esophageal sphincter and cut flow to the esophagus. Therefore, adding a PPI to further neutralize stomach acid is moving in the wrong direction.
This may seem counterintuitive because this approach works in the beginning because neutral stomach mixture no longer burns the esophagus. But the long-term damage of providing a neutral environment for pathogens to proliferate in the stomach and ultimately enter the GI tract creates much bigger problems for the patient. A better solution would be taking Betaine HCl for a week.