Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Leaky Gut and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome is defined as intense exhaustion for 6 months or more. Some people find they can’t function without chemical stimuli like coffee or stronger stimuli, although the benefits eventually wear off and their suffering continues. It is often associated with these common symptoms:

Although doctors are unclear on the causes, there have been two common hypotheses about the underlying reasons for chronic fatigue syndrome. 

They are:

  1. Adrenal Fatigue – Cortisol level cycle and constant high stress creates a situation where the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis) produces cortisol “stress hormone” all day.
  2. Leaky Gut contributing to NAFLD (non-alcohol fatty liver disease)

Leaky Gut

When the increase in harmful bacteria and yeast (candida) within the intestine reaches a tipping point, the intestinal wall is breached. This is in part caused by the aldehydes released when candida are in such high concentrations that they stand in competition with each other. The aldehydes that are secreted to ward each other off, breakdown the soft tissue holding our intestinal cells together called “desmosomes”. This subsequent breach allows food particles to pass through the intestine wall and the immune system becomes overwhelmed. The liver, which receives 70% of its blood flow from the intestine, is charged with detoxify the blood.

If the necessary compounds for gluthione replenishment, methylation, acetylation are are in short supply the liver simply shuttles the toxins into fat cells to keep them from invading the rest of the body.3 These fat cells are stored in the liver and elsewhere throughout the body. This was the reason we developed Hepatiben, which contains the ingredients that can perform these activities and support proper liver function under these conditions.

In addition to finding a good natural supplement, find ways to alleviate stress and adjust your diet. Studies show that reducing stress and taking an adrenal support supplement in this regimen significantly speeds up recovery.

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