Fatty Liver Symptoms


Fatty liver is often referred to as the silent killer because there are very few signs. The progression of fatty liver disease to more serious liver disease like cirrhosis and acute liver failure can be detected far more easily.

Fatty liver is defined as having 5-10% fat built up in the liver. There is always some level of fat built up in this organ, but once it reaches this height it starts to disrupt function, circulation and hepatic cells begin to die off. It is also a sign of other serious issues in the body as this organ is charged with detoxifying the body. Therefore, your body is somehow overrun with toxins barring some genetics component.

Fatty Liver Progession

Typical Symptoms for Fatty Liver Disease

Typical Symptoms for Advanced Liver Disease


Who Is At Risk?

Traditionally people with the following are in the ‘at risk’ category and if you show any symptoms listed above along with being in this category, you should be tested.

  1. Alcohol use
  2. Excessive medications
  3. Type II Diabetes
  4. High Cholesterol
  5. Malnutrition
  6. Metabolic Syndrome

More recently these used to be thought of as somewhat related, but not causal reasons for fatty liver. The scientific evidence is much stronger now and points to a common path explaining why these show up together. Poor diet leading to Leaky Gut allowing toxins into the body, which then overrun the liver. This relationship is explained in more detail in other posts.

There are solutions

Liver Medic has studied liver problems for over a decade and with the help of various physicians across the US, we have developed an effective natural solution in Hepatiben. Take advantage of our expertise and join thousands of our customers that have improved their liver health.

available for Purchase

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