Solving Thrombosis Without Statin Drugs

Blood Clot Risk

Thrombosis is a blockage of veins and or arteries due to blood clots. These obstructions can be severe and may lead to heart attack, stroke, or pulmonary embolism. This is commonly treated by the pharmaceutical industry with “blood thinners” often referred to as statin drugs. These statins are in actuality HMG CoA reductase inhibitors used to reduce cholesterol levels.

There are over 36 million Americans currently on statins drugs. The problem with this approach is there are very severe side-effects, which we will cover later. So, are there natural ways to support the reduction or heart disease and thrombosis that don’t have the side-effects statin drugs do? Yes, by using enzymes.

We are going to discuss the enzymes that target thrombosis and also pulmonary fibrosis. There are many different kinds of enzymes out there, but only two that do this function.

Natural Therapy For Thrombosis

This requires the use of enzymes with these two characteristics:

1. Fibrinolytic Activity

Supports the breakdown of FIBRIN.

2. Proteolytic Activity

Supports the breakdown of PROTEIN.

Fibrinolytic & Proteolytic Enzymes

Low Body Enzymatic Activity / Heart Disease Connection

Progressive physicians know this connection and prescribe proteolytic/fibrinolytic enzymes for patients at the first sign of heart condition or high blood pressure. The ability of enzymes like nattokinase and serrapeptase to break down cellular debris and artery plaque is well documented.

We recommend Serrapeptase because clinical studies show it is stronger than nattokinase in its proteolytic and fibrinolytic activity. Studies also show superior proficiency in breaking down both fibrin and protein. Fibrin is a very tough form of protein that is often a major component in blood clots. There are additional benefits of serrapeptase to the immune system and pain reduction in places like joints.

How These Enzymes Work on Blood Clots?

Enzymes like serrapeptase “lyse”, or cut the fibrin clots into smaller parts for clearing. These are then consumed by macrophages (another part of our debris clearing physiology) or filtered by our lymph system. This is exactly what pharmaceutical drugs attempt to replicate, unsuccessfully and with damaging side-effects.

The benefits of using Serrapeptase for blood clots and joint pain is that it doesn’t have the side-effects of statin drugs or aspirin.

Why Heart Disease & Thrombosis increase as we age

Researchers have found a correlation between aging and the reduction of our body’s ability to produce these enzymes naturally. This is seen as a major contributor to thrombosis and arteriosclerosis.

When our natural proteolytic enzymes are circulating in the blood they breakdown fibrin and blood clots found in veins and arteries. As we age the creation of these enzymes go down and therefore circulatory health problems increase.

Serrapeptase Clinical Proof Over Time

Studies going back to the 1960s first showed that serrapeptase was more effective at improving lockjaw than ibuprofen and corticosteroids. These were the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs at the time. Additional testing showed incredible reductions in inflammation and pain in post dental surgery treatment.

Serrapeptase also fight bacterial infections and reduce biofilm. This promotes better gut health and supports recovery of eye, ear, nose and throat infections. Some doctors use Serrapeptase in place of antibiotics especially in staph (Staphylococcus aureus) infections.

Serrapeptase Supports:

Statin Drugs Dangers

Statin drugs are touted as a miracle against heart disease. They operate to clear the body of “harmful” triglycerides. They do this by inhibiting a critical coenzyme controlling the formation of cholesterol. Much of cholesterol’s critical role in the body is in the creation of hormones, especially important are sex hormones. Research has also proved that cholesterol acts as an antioxidant and protects cell membranes.

These activities are severely hampered by statin drugs.
Here is a list of common statins below:

Common Statin Drugs:

Statin’s Negative Cardiac Impact

Incredibly, statin drugs impede the production of ubiquinone, also known as Co-enzyme Q10. This has become a popular supplement in the past few decades and is well-known to support a healthy heart. The increased need for this supplement is no doubt supported by the stripping of Co-Q10 by statin drugs.

Co-Q10 deficiency is characterized by muscle wasting leading to weakness and severe back pain, heart failure (the heart is a muscle), neuropathy and inflammation of the tendons and ligaments, often leading to rupture. The is a condition called rhabdomyolysis.

Pharmaceutical Claims: The pharmaceutical industry insists that muscle pain only impacts 2-3% of statin users. However, Dr. Beatrice Golomb ran a large study that showed 98% of patients using Lipitor suffered muscle aches and cramps. This is an inversion of BigPharma’s claims.

Statin drugs are also known to lead to unpredictable chaos as they interrupt DNA programmed instructions at the cellular level. Taking statins in high doses for lengthy periods of time cause cognitive declines, anemia, acidosis, frequent fevers and cataracts.

Common Statin Side-Effects:

* The damage caused by statin drugs is believed to be irreversible.

Inconvenient Fact For BigPharma

Statins were first given pre-market approval in 1987.

Deaths attributed to heart failure more than doubled from 1989 to 1997. Interference with production of Co-Q10 by statin drugs is often sighted in research as the most likely explanation. The heart is a muscle and it cannot work when deprived of Co-Q10.


Problems like thrombosis and heart disease increase as we age in part because we lack the naturally occurring enzymes circulating in our body to reduce clots and plaque. Pharmaceutical drugs try to mimic the activity of enzymes, but are a less effective and potentially harmful. The logical approach is to reintroduce enzymes into the body externally to increase cardiovascular health.


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