Why Gluten Sensitive People Shouldn’t Consume Dairy


In years, past only people with celiac needed to be concerned with cutting gluten from their diets. Now, as many as 35 million Americans suffer with Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS). NCGS is often confused with other diagnosis like IBS, diverticulitis, diverticulosis and most often leads to leaky gut.

Sensitive people need to augment their diets significantly to avoid digestive distress. Thankfully there are so many gluten free offerings now – dietary changes are less of a hurdle. But what if they have been leaving in a very important component that acts just like gluten?

Many of their current digestive ailments could be resolved if they removed this from their diet.  They would finally experience relief.

Gluten Diary Connection

It turns out multiple studies show damage caused by dairy from a compound that mimics gluten. This compound found in milk is called BCM-7 and the immune system recognizes it the same way as it does gluten. This compound that mimics gluten, causes the immune system to product large amounts IgA that damage the intestinal lining of our GI tract. This inflammation can be very uncomfortable, causing diarrhea and or constipation.

The damage that results when consuming either gluten or BCM-7 is primarily located in what is called the “brush border”. These are the same cells that product enzymes like lactose. Therefore, many people misinterpret their trouble consuming dairy as lactose intolerance, when it’s more likely related to their gluten sensitivity.

This may be unwelcomed news for those who struggled to remove gluten from their diets. Removing dairy adds a layer of complication. The good news is BCM-7 is only found in cows producing A1 beta-casein. While that is the majority of milk and cheese in the US, there are alternatives like A2 beta-casein (A2 milk) and most of Europe only raise A2 cows. Goat’s milk is also an alternative to avoid BCM-7.

A1 beta-casein also acts like an opioid, so removing it from your diet may be difficult if you are consume a large amount. Nonetheless, it will be beneficial in multiple ways down the road.


What Is Meat Glue?

You may never have heard of meat glue (microbial  transglutaminase) before, but it is safe to say it is primarily found in cheap meat and processed meat. Why do we bring this up? It turns out meat glue also causes inflammation in the digestive tract much like gluten and BCM-7. Microbial Transglutaminase, or meat glue, is an enzyme produced by bacteria and is used as a preservative.

Currently there are also no labeling laws regulating its use. This means you may not know if you are consuming it. We recommend buying meat locally to avoid this unwanted component, and the intestinal distress it may cause.

One Very Good Solution

Digestive damage is not permanent from any of these compounds and auto-immune reaction. In fact, most GI damage can be mediated with proper supplementation like Liver Medic’s Leaky Gut Repair. The ability to coat the tract, reduce inflammation and close large openings are the reasons it is our best-selling supplement. The reviews on Leaky Gut Repair speak for themselves. Also consider Liver Medic’s Digest Harmony, a complete digestive enzyme. We have found customers in greatest distress benefit most when combining the healing effects of Leaky Gut Repair with the ability to fully digest in Digest Harmony.


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